Front photo of a train

UK | Transport

Agility Trains East

Rolling stock leasing project with 23 Hitachi class 800 bi-mode and 42 Hitachi class 801 EMU trains to be operated on the East Coast mailine, and other routes currently served by the train operating company Londn North Eastern Railway. Revenues are generated through the lease of the rolling stock to the operator. There is a usage guarantee from the Department for Transport (“DfT”) until 2046.

The DfT is the counterparty to the PFI contract. The North Eastern railway franchise is currently operated directly by Dft. Hitachi is contracted for the manufacture and maintenance of the trains, which it does at four strategically located depots along the ECML, including one purpose-built depot in Doncaster.

Equitix has an interest in 15% of the underlying project.