Equitix Foundation

Our annual charity drinks event in December 2022 raised just over £98,000 in support of three headline charities; Railway Children, Healthy Living Platform and First Class Foundation UK.

Last year’s co-sponsors were: Alvarez & Marsal, Ashurst, CMS, Deloitte, RBS International and Smart Currency Business and Grant Thornton.


Our Headline Charities for 2023/24

Every penny procured through our event will go to them and be split equally between the three charities.

We are delighted to be raising funds for these worthy causes this year and look forward to seeing what material contribution all our efforts can make to the lives of many.

To find out more about how you can help us to support this year’s causes, contact us via charitydrinks@equitix.com to become a co-sponsor, donate a prize or take part in further funding opportunities.

“It is thanks to your generosity that we have been there for children and young people when they needed us the most. Throughout the project period, we accepted referrals for vulnerable young people identified by the British Transport Police across the Northwest, London, Yorkshire and the Humber, and the West Midlands. The donation has been spent across our UK programme, which has meant we have developed a new site in Glasgow this year, new Safeguarding Action Groups for Doncaster and Hull as well as creating youth participation forums for young people to feed directly into our projects”.

Jack Miller, Group Director of Fundraising & Marketing for Railway Children

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